Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Cancun bonefish on bass tackle. fly rods, Lookdowns- 30milesout Fishn tv

http://www.30milesout.commy wife and I headed down to Cancun Mexico for vacation. our neighbors have a time share in plya del Carmine. I had to bring my rods. I loaded a rod tube with a couple 8wt flyrods and several spinning combos of all sizes. I brought a good supply of soft plastics and plenty top water. I had no idea what to expect.
we got a rental car and went south to Tulum. I saw a big park south of Tulum going to port Allen. half way down we passed Boccaccio pila... I saw a sign for Bocca pila tarpon guide service. I knew we were in the right neighborhood for good fishing. I just keept my eyes on side the road looking at the black mangrove swamp trying to find a wadeable spot. well. just after Bocca pilia we saw a bridge with s sandy bank canal under it. my wife and I saw some of the local guide service guides and their skiffs parked along the cannal banks. we said hi and began to chunk clouder minnows and such. one of the guides tild mr to come here! he said "bonefish" .. I ran over and saw a big school of bones. I caster my fly over and over. finally I got s take. I landed a nice bone. my wife hung one as well. what a fight! supper fast like they say. we ended up catching several look downs and pallometta as well. great vacation and a great spot.
the local guy at the end saying " what". was our moped rental guy. I talked him into that !